I've had several button-related incidents these past few days -- especially with my Cross-Stitch Barack Obama Portrait button. Last week, one of the ladies who works behind the counter of the US Post Offices I frequent asked me about my Obama button that I was wearing on my lapel. I told her I made it, then scanned it and then made it into a button. She wound up buying the button from me. Then this past Sunday, I was paying for a book at Barnes & Noble when the guy behind the counter asked me where I got my pin. I told him about it and he was gushing and admiring it so that I wound up just taking off the pin and giving it to him. He said he was going to an Obama rally and he was definitely going to wear his new pin.
This morning I went to the Post Office to get something weighed -- an Obama button heading to Australia of all places -- when another lady behind the counter wanted to know if I still had more pins; she wanted three. I told her I did and would drop them off later in the afternoon. Before I left, she handed me two slips of paper bearing the names and addresses of two individuals who wanted me to contact them regarding my Obama buttons. Apparently, they saw the button laying on the counter and wanted to know where they could get one. I've gotten in touch with one guy so far and he bought 5 buttons.
I had meant to take down the buttons on my Etsy site but I think I'll keep them up until after the election. Someone bought 5 buttons from my Etsy store last night and apparently people want them not only to show support for Barack Obama but also as souvenirs for what is already a historic event.