Would you pick up, much less read, a book with this on the cover?
In defense of this particular version of Dr. Zhivago, it was printed in the 1980s. Here's how I imagine the marketing meeting that took place to print this cover:
"Listen up, sales of Dr. Zhivago are circling the drain. We're getting our lunches handed to us by Anna Karenina and The Brothers Karamazov. Granted our buddy Pasternak is no Tolstoy but still, there was a movie made from this book. It should be able to hold its own."
"Maybe we should get Dr. Zhivago on more college reading lists?"
"Smithers, not even God almighty Himself could influence those commie literature professors. Think free market, Smithers. It's our only weapon."
"How about we appeal to a completely different segment of the market?"
"What's that, Johnson? What different segment?"
"Well, Dr. Zhivago is kind of like a love story, right? What if we appeal to our romance readers? Our sales are going through the roof with historical romances. We can't churn enough of that stuff out."
"Johnson, let me tell you something about myself, I don't read pinko writers. I just sell the books. But you might have something there... get me the art department! I want a romance cover on this book ASAP! Quick, who was the male lead in the movie version?
"Uh, Omar Sharif?"
"That won't work, Smithers. My mother likes Omar Sharif. We need a new heart throb. Somebody hot. New. Exciting..."
"That Kevin Kline seems to be pretty in demand these days. How about him?"
"Now that's thinking, Johnson. Yes, Kevin Kline it is. And slap a moustache on him. It works for Tom Selleck. We are going to make a bundle on this, Johnson. Smithers, don't let the door hit you on the way out."
End scene.
When I saw the first picture I thought, "Looks like one of those cheesy romance novels I used to read in high school." Yikes! Pasternak must be rolling in his grave. Can you imagine Fabio as Ivan Denisovich?
Posted by: Ellen | December 11, 2007 at 11:39 PM